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EXCELLENT 60 reviews Bill Beatty2021-10-17 Awesome Nick Sommons2021-10-14 I've had the opportunity to work as a camp counselor for two years here and serve as an activity leader (assistant program director). These three years shaped my life in such monumental ways. I'm forever thankful for the memories, friendships, and everything more. As a Christian based camp, you can be certain Camp Orchard Hill is a perfect place for impactful moments for your children, the group you bring for a retreat, and even yourself! Sunshine Newton2021-08-09 I attended this camp as a kid and loved it, now 20+ years later I got to send my daughters and they LOVED it too. The staff is very attentive and caring. The program to train the counselors is so intelligent... they have to put time in doing less gratifying work, while working their way up to being an actual counselor who gets to be with the kids. This shows commitment and NOT just a "quick & easy summer job". We love this camp! my email2021-08-01 The Best Ever!Load more