
From the Director September 2024

September 16th, 2024|

We had an incredible summer here at Orchard Hill! We served a record 5,149 day, overnight and rental group campers in our Dallas location. And, we successfully opened a new Hazleton Area Day Camp program that reached 269 campers. Here are some amazing statistics from the summer: Prepared a record 59,840 meals this summer

From the Director April 2024

April 18th, 2024|

Did you know 1 in 36 children has been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) according to the Centers for Disease Control? April is World Autism Awareness Month and at Camp Orchard Hill we are privileged to serve individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families!  Our Best Week Ever Inclusive Camp program

From the Director February 2024

February 18th, 2024|

The New Year is off to an incredible start with our Winterblast programs and I can’t believe it’s already the middle of February!  We’ve seen records numbers of campers throughout the first five weekends of winter and appreciate the opportunity to serve so many different churches, youth leaders and students. Although the weather hasn’t

From the Director November 2023

November 6th, 2023|

“If you build it they will come.”  It's a famous line from the movie Field of Dreams, but in our case it’s factual not fictional.  We had a record 143 ladies attend our Alive Women's Retreat in October!  We continue to get great feedback on the new lodges and our plans to continue moving

From the Director September 2023

September 13th, 2023|

It has been another summer of incredible ministry to a record 4,500 campers.  I am thankful to serve so many children, youth and families from our local region and beyond!  Our theme this summer was Moving Mountains and we saw God move mountains in the lives of students all summer long.  Here are camper’s

From the Director July 2023

July 5th, 2023|

As I write this, we’re finishing week four of our Best Week Ever summer camp programs. So much planning and preparation goes into getting ready for summer and it goes by so fast. I’ve found that it is so important to be in the present and celebrate all that God is doing here at

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