Did you know 1 in 36 children has been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) according to the Centers for Disease Control?

April is World Autism Awareness Month and at Camp Orchard Hill we are privileged to serve individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families!  Our Best Week Ever Inclusive Camp program provides opportunities for children with ASD and other intellectual and developmental disabilities to attend camp alongside their typically developing peers.  And, we provide Respite Days throughout the year to provide a safe and reliable break for parents/caregivers and their children.

Many times children with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families find their recreational and social options extremely limited or segregated to special programming.  However, an inclusive environment provides belonging, acceptance and developmentally appropriate practice.  In an inclusive environment, each child has access to and participates in, all activities to the best of his or her ability.

Our fully inclusive camp program assists children with intellectual and developmental disabilities to develop positive peer interactions, appropriate play skills, enhanced communication skills and self-determination in a relaxed environment.  Playing side by side with their typically developing peers, children with disabilities experience appropriate ways to interact and communicate.

Everyone benefits from this shared experience!  Many times children make fun of things and people they don’t understand out of ignorance.  At camp they can ask questions of our staff and support staff about why others are different and learn to accept and appreciate others who are unique and different.  By teaching children to welcome others into their world, the principles of inclusion can help foster a greater sense of cooperation and empathy in the next generation (ACA Camps).

There literally is something for everyone here at Orchard Hill…Family Camps, Best Week Ever Summer Camps, Men’s and Women’s retreats, birthday parties and Parents Night Out, Respite Care, Winterblast, banquets and so much more.

We look forward to serving you here at Camp Orchard Hill and now at our brand-new campus in Hazleton, PA!

Jim Payne
Executive Director